ELX Nexus

The future of traffic management.


Elevated X Nexus was created by the most experienced paysite management company in the world. Backed by the same team responsible for powering the largest and most successful adult media brands of all time. With the same 100% US-based program management assistance and customer service that's supported the industry's leading companies for the last 2 decades.

Get to know Nexus

Run your business anywhere.
Manage your partnerships.
Build your own traffic network.
Grow your content empire.

ELX Nexus at a glance

  • Traffic management and in-depth analytics
  • Cascading billing with multiple payment processors
  • Stand-alone sites, studios, and paysite networks
  • Multi-site affiliate program system
  • Cross-sale management and traffic trading
  • Studio co-owner and collab partner revenue sharing
  • Easy to use reports with 1-click payout handling
  • Hosting and payment processing is included
  • 100% US based management assistance and support
  • Imagine the possibilities

    Imagine being able to easily create your own paysite partner network. One without outside managers or middlemen. Imagine spending your time collaborating with your friends and favorite scene partners and sharing ownership of the studio brands and websites you create. Imagine taking that one step further, and exchanging traffic, fans, and customers with anyone you'd like.

    Now imagine if all of that software, website design, help, and oversight was provided by the largest adult website technology provider in the whole world. Welcome to Nexus. The future is yours.

    Click to inquire about ELX Nexus